Article name M. A. Lifshitz’s Thought in the Realistic Turn of Russian Philosophy
Authors Fatenkov A.N.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description Fatenkov A. N. M. A. Lifshitz’s Thought in the Realistic Turn of Russian Philosophy // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 123–132. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-123-132.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-123-132
UDK 165.82
Article type
Annotation The article clarifies the content of realism as the dominant feature of Russian philosophy. It reconstructs and interprets the philosophical views of M. A. Lifshitz in correlation with its strategic line, mostly in the version of existential realism. The realistic setting of national intellectual traditions and “ordinary Marxism” is concretized above all in the projection of ontognosiology. In this connection the article discusses the question of the relationship between the subject and the object, the problem of the ideal, the status and content of the truth, the nuances of dialectical methodology and return paradigm. The article considers the causes and characteristics of aestheticizing and poeticizing philosophy. Overall, complementarily assessing the realistic strategy of Russian philosophical thought the author points out the contradiction inherent in it. Namely: Russian ontology is the ontology of the subject, of the living natural and cultural organism; Russian gnosiology is full of objectivistic temptations. It turns out that the value of the subject of being is theoretically disproportionately greater than the value of the subject of cognition. The practice raises doubts about the ontological status of the subject of Russian life that beats more strongly to the prestige of Russian realist discourse. The stated contradiction is detected in works by M. A. Lifshitz, who, being aware of it, masterfully seeks a solution – so far as the potential of “ordinary Marxism” lets it.
Key words M. A. Lifshitz, Russian philosophy, realism, existential realism, Marxism, ontognosiology
Article information
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Full articleM. A. Lifshitz’s Thought in the Realistic Turn of Russian Philosophy