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Article name | Nature, Society, Landscape and Interaction: Constructivist Ideas of National Geography |
Authors | Bocharnikov V.N.Doctor of Biology, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Bocharnikov V. N. Nature, Society, Landscape and Interaction: Constructivist Ideas of National Geography // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 141–151. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-141-151. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-141-151 |
UDK | 911 |
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Annotation | Geography is a traditional science. It is also the oldest area of knowledge, as well as a variety of postmodern texts, the specific means of images cognition and designs. Positivity of classical science has “revealed” the fundamental differences between natural philosophy and physics and turned geography away from addiction to speculative reasoning. The activity directive in the current period of development of consumer society with a high level of information knowledge has radically changed the former object of scientific knowledge through the unification of humanity and the desire to achieve sustainable development, where the technocratic ideal of science is pulling together all the diversity of the world to the need of fulfilling a specific pragmatic and social order. Modern knowledge society necessitates a new focus, a query for the repeatedly considered topic of relations between knowledge and ignorance, and the logic of scientific research often leads to the necessity of studying the range of concerns that go beyond a single science. It is argued that among the great diversity of modern sciences only geography is able to ensure a successful spatial visualization, and situational-temporal understanding of an ordered human existence. The text prefix “geo-” marks and adequately manifests the uniqueness of the imagery and object understanding of the items spatial loci, interrelations and interactions in the past and contemporary human life. The content of the proposed message considers the evolutionary process of geographical knowledge development within the context of interaction between man and nature and its reflection in one of the most well-known geographical terms – landscape. |
Key words | geography, constructivism, nature, society, landscape, geo-information system (GIS) |
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Full article | Nature, Society, Landscape and Interaction: Constructivist Ideas of National Geography |