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Article name | Ethno-cultural Transboundariness: A Geographer’s View |
Authors | Gerasimenko T.I.Doctor of Geography, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Gerasimenko T. I. Ethno-cultural Transboundariness: A Geographer’s View // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 152–160. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-152-160. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-152-160 |
UDK | 332.122130.1 |
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Annotation | The article deals with the phenomenon of transboundariness as an interdisciplinary problem. It emphasizes the role of geography in its study. The theoretical and methodological tools of this discipline allow the author to generalize different approaches and study the problem in a comprehensive and integrated manner. The article describes the transformation of border functions and roles, as well as their conditional character in the modern globalized world. The author gives a definition of transboundariness and a trans-border region (TBR), including ethno-cultural regions through a systematic perspective. Trans-border regions are different-sized parts of the geographical envelope, which have the properties of the system (such as internal unity, cooperation, predominance of centripetal tendencies). Ethno-cultural trans-border regions (ECTBR) can be multicultural and monocultural. The article presents the regularities of the development and formation of ethnic and cultural trans-border regions, as well as the specificity of their development in post-Soviet space. Ethno-cultural trans-border regions have a dual role: they act as bridges between cultures (“windows” to “other” worlds) and at the same time sources of problems and secessionist tendencies. The author expresses a point of view of the impossibility of delimitating ECTBR and proves the necessity of their theoretical, methodological and practical study. |
Key words | border, trans-border region, ethno-cultural trans-border region, delimitation |
Article information | |
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Full article | Ethno-cultural Transboundariness: A Geographer’s View |