Article name Land Along the Argun River: Territorial Differentiation of Information Space (Based on Russian Dialectal Lexicography and Place Names)
Authors Sokolova A.A.Doctor of Geography
Bibliographic description Sokolova A. A. Land Along the Argun River: Territorial Differentiation of Information Space (Based on Russian Dialectal Lexicography and Place Names) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 161–169. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-161-169.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-161-169
UDK 81’373.21
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to folk geographical terminology and toponyms in the Russian patois. The object of the research is the land along the Argun River (Argun River valley and surrounding areas). The methodological basis of investigation is an integrated approach to the study of the territory and information, methods of geography and lingogeoiconics that is close to еthnophysiography. The systematization of the linguistic material is based on a comprehensive analysis of physical-geographical, ethno-cultural and socio-economic features of the study area. The geographical basis for constructing a terminology system is the geomorphologic framework of the region and geographical latitudinal zones. The terminology includes the names of the landforms of the River valley, deformations of the river bed, vegetation and certain types of plants, names of places suitable and unsuitable for the placement of settlements, croplands, hayfields and pastures. The geographical analysis of folk terminology helped to create an information scheme for the differentiation of the region. Language data have allowed us to identify three segments. The segment of the steppe zone (Argun urman) and the segment of the taiga zone (Argun zakamna) are poorly developed. The segment of the forest-steppe zone (Argun altan) acts as the center of the territory development and information concentration.The practical value of this research is connected with the development prospects of ecological and ethnic tourism. Folk geographical terms and place names are an important part of the tourist information.
Key words geospace, information space, traditional land use, Russian folk geographical terminology, toponymy, landscape perception, Transbaikalia, Argun River
Article information
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Full articleLand Along the Argun River: Territorial Differentiation of Information Space (Based on Russian Dialectal Lexicography and Place Names)