Article name Productive Interaction as a Basis of Modern Educational Process
Authors Fedotova E.L.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 37
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the problem of finding ways of improvement of modern education. The author conducted an analysis of the leading characteristics of the educational process, such as scale, engagement, agility, strength, mobility, interactivity. The accent was made on the methodological advantages of the competence approach to education. The author selected noteworthy areas of study as the competence-based approach and its individual aspects. The article considers the nature of the competence educational approach. It is determined that a positive modification in the modern educational process is directly linked to the ability of the teacher to the competent organization of interaction with students. Shows the key role of productive pedagogical interaction in the effectiveness of education. Based on the long-standing study of structure and content of the phenomenon being investigated the author comes to the conclusion about the fact that pedagogical interaction as the unique resource, providing the productivity of education, intentional focused on ensuring the efficiency of the educational process. As a basic product of such interaction on the basis of systematic methodological analysis identified the promotion of personal and professional self-development of its major stakeholders – students and teacher. In connection with to the context of the studied question is detailed the position of the author about the fact that the assistance to the interconnected personal increase of the interacting individuals occurs with the condition of guaranteeing the positive changes in the nature of the cooperation of teacher and students, in the positions occupied by subjects, and also in those relations, which connect participants in the interpersonal and activity contacts in the educational process.
Key words educational process, educational situation, pedagogical interaction, productivity pedagogical interaction, educational product, self-development.
Article information
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Full articleProductive Interaction as a Basis of Modern Educational Process