Article name The Level of Students’ Cultural Competence Development
Authors Vasilyeva N.V.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.016
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the analysis of the development level characterizing the students’ knowledge and skills that constitute their cultural competence and are connected with their awareness of the national and cultural specificities of phraseological units. The research resulted in a range of tasks elaborated to reveal the scope of the students’ knowledge of the national and cultural coloring of set expressions and the ways whereby the latter reflect this coloring. Another function of the tasks was to estimate the students’ skills to analyze the national and cultural peculiarities of set expressions in terms of verbal semantics, linguistic cognition, axiology, and motivational pragmatics. Special attention is paid to the level of the students’ knowledge and skills included into linguistic and communicative competences forming the foundation for the development of their cultural competence at the lessons of the Russian language. Following the analysis of the research data obtained in the course of inquiring the 10th-graders of philological and non-philological specialization the conclusion can be drawn about the level of their cultural awareness: it is estimated as insufficient and connected with the learners’ understanding of the national and cultural peculiarities of set expressions. The students’ insufficient knowledge of the linguistic properties of phraseological units; their undeveloped skills to recognize phraseological units in the text, to determine their meaning, to differ a set expression and a homonymous free word group are also stated in the article.
Key words cultural competence, phraseological units, level of knowledge development, level of skills development, levels of linguistic mentality, learners of philological specialization, learners of non-philological specialization.
Article information
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Full articleThe Level of Students’ Cultural Competence Development