Article name The Design of Integrated Educational Space for Development of Children’s Endowments: City School – Rural School
Authors Burshit I.E.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Vinevskaya A.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.034
Article type
Annotation In this paper the problem of creation of uniform educational space uniting city and rural schools is considered. One of the main problems is the problem of creation of optimum comfortable environment for creative person’s training and development. According to the working concept of endowments creation of the conditions, providing identification and development of talented children is one of priority tasks of modern society. For achievement of this purpose various areas of work, including the differentiated approach, i. e. training of such children in the special educational organizations are possible. The Project of integrated educational space for the purpose of development of children’s endowments is offered. Within the Project, the following main activities are allocated: diagnostic, consulting and educational, organizational and methodical. In parallel with diagnostics of abilities of school students we carried out questioning of parents to which “The questionnaire of endowments of your child” was offered, a ball research activity of children is organized. We adhere to the point of view that early specialization of child’s interests conceals in itself danger of unilateral development. Opportunity “to try” the most different areas and kinds of activity has to be given to preschool children and younger school students. The organization of educational and research works, and social and research design are the important forms for development of all type endowments. In this research project development stages are shown, the main activities within the offered project are analyzed. Authors describe system of work with exceptional children of city and rural schools within uniform educational space.
Key words design, integrated educational space, project, endowments, system of interrelations of pedagogical community with establishments, which are trained city and rural schools.
Article information
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Full articleThe Design of Integrated Educational Space for Development of Children’s Endowments: City School – Rural School