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Article name | The Possibilities of Children’s Realizing of Connections between Natural and Man-Made Worlds |
Authors | Plokhova Z.V.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 373.2 |
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Annotation | This article makes an attempt to give the main positions and views of scientists-teachers on the problem of formation of children creativity of the advanced preschool age. The definitions of the central concepts of the research are given here, such as: creative activity, creative process, creative thinking, creativity, natural world, man-made world, environment, criteria of creativity and connection between the natural and man-made worlds. On the basis of the allocated concepts, the conceptual and categorial field of research will be razed. The possibilities of using of the connections between the natural and man-made worlds in the course of formation of creativity of the advanced preschool age children are reviewed in this work. Examples of communications of the natural and man-made world which are available to understanding by the advanced preschool age children are described. The description of the organization of a diagnostic stage of the experimental work is submitted where statement of experiment and its description enters. According to the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the purpose of the stating experiment is formulated, the criteria and indicators of the diagnostics of a level of formation of creativity and a level of formation of ideas of connection between the natural and man-made world are described in the practical part of the article. The results of the stating stage are presented in a generalized view; the qualitative and quantitative estimation of the obtained data is given. |
Key words | thing, creative activity, creative process, creative thinking, creativity, natural world, manmade world, environment, criteria of creativity and connections between natural and man-made world. |
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Full article | The Possibilities of Children’s Realizing of Connections between Natural and Man-Made Worlds |