Article name Humanization of the Educational Environment as an Essential Condition of Students’ Social Adaptation
Authors Menshov I.V.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK З64.444
Article type
Annotation The application of the cultural approach in logic humanization of the educational environment as a necessary condition for students’ social adaptation is described in this article. The social adaptation of students largely depends on socio-psychological climate, style of relationships in the team and cultural level of the students’ health, formed with the educational environment. The formation of the educational environment in the context of cultural approach ensures that the process of students’ social adaptation in educational institutions in “the culture corridor”, based on universal values, socially-accepted norms and rules of communication and behavior. The formation of the educational environment is viewed through a cultural studies approach as the development of students in the culture, especially the health culture in this article. The shortage of health culture among students leads to problems of social adaptation of students and has many manifestations: the reduction of conflict-stability, deviant behavior, increase emotional anxiety, poor health, and evidence of maladjustment. The formation of health culture in the educational environment promotes the use of valeological aspect aimed at developing and maintaining resources health students, as well as creation of favorable conditions in educational institutions in the system of interpersonal relations, atmosphere cooperation and mutual assistance, which has a positive effect on social adjustment of students in an educational organization.
Key words students’ social adaptation, humanization of the educational environment, cultural studies approach, valeological aspect, health culture
Article information
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