Article name Features of Net Cooperation Technology for Teacher’s Professional Development
Authors Putintseva L.V.Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.01
Article type
Annotation The article presents the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of continuing professional education for professional development of teachers in the context of current trends in the modernization of education. According to the author’s opinion, the technology networking organization in the training allows to solve modern problems of development of postgraduate education. The paper presents the experience of implementation of networking technology based on Primorsky Institute for Educational Development. The author emphasizes the design features of programs using networking technology. The possibility of innovative experiences using of professional skill competition winners is shown. Innovative experience becomes a node network, where diverse connections are arranged. The variety of nodes makes the content of training programs for biodiversity, modular. All subjects such interactions have the opportunity to build a personalized itinerary of professional development, each at their own level. Interaction network is built in a single information space through joint activities of network participants. Educational events – full-time and using the Internet – are the unit of interaction. The article highlights the effects of programs implementation using the technology of networking on he base of Primorsky Institute for Educational Development; the conclusions on reorientation of the traditional institutions of additional professional education are made.
Key words teacher professional development, networking technology, environment networking, innovative experiences
Article information
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Full articleFeatures of Net Cooperation Technology for Teacher’s Professional Development