Article name To the Question of Values and Life Orientation of Teacher within Boarding School
Authors Sviridenko E.I.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.0
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the study of the specificity of value-sense sphere of teacher in boarding school. Teaching profession within institutions for orphan children and children left without parental care is associated with constant communication with people, emotional tension, frequent stressful situations, high level of responsibility. According to the author, the study of value-sense sphere of teacher within institutions for orphan children, the definition of the problems and potential of personal and professional development, studying methods of personal expression and self-development, forecasting and planning life events can improve professional mobility, develop educational route “Road map of a teacher”. The article presents the results of diagnostic value-semantic sphere of teachers within institutions, trained on the basis of the Primorsky regional Institute of Education development. In the pilot study the motivationally-axiological, cognitive, and affective methods and diagnostic techniques of personal data were used. Application of methods of socially-active learning, included in the program of refresher courses, contributed to the understanding of the value attitude, profession, communication. The author highlighted the specificity of value-semantic sphere of the teacher and its influence on personal and professional development.
Key words value-semantic sphere of life meaning and value orientation, teacher’s personality, teacher of boarding school, training
Article information
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