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Article name | Foreign Language Communicative Competence: Foreign and Russian Experience |
Authors | Tayurskaya N.P.Teacher of English |
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UDK | 378 |
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Annotation | The article deals with the approaches of Russian and foreign researchers to define the content and structure of foreign language communicative competence. A brief description is given to the concept of “foreign language communicative competence” as a key one in the study. The comparison of European and Russian variants of the component composition of foreign language communicative competence shows that the structure of communicative competence is not complete and requires improvements. The article shows the necessity of forming and improving foreign language communicative competence in a combination of its components: lingual, speech, socio-cultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive competences. The results of statement stage of the experimental work are given in the article. The conclusion is according to the Federal state educational standard, the main purpose of learning a foreign language is the formation of foreign language communicative competence, however, in the modern school there is a lack of practical research methods, techniques and models of communicative education by means of a foreign language. Implementation of the requirements of the federal state educational standards for elementary school initiates the need to train specialists who are ready to develop foreign language communicative competence of students. Teacher training requires examining of different approaches to the definition, content and structure of foreign language communicative competence, analyzing requirements and creating conditions promoting the formation of the communicative competence of pupils. |
Key words | foreign language communicative competence, competence-based education, willingness to communicate in a foreign language, components of communicative competence, requirements implementation, teacher training |
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Full article | Foreign Language Communicative Competence: Foreign and Russian Experience |