Article name Psychological Barriers of Education for Sustainable Development and Ways of their Overcoming
Authors Dzyatkovskaya E.N.Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.02
Article type
Annotation The actual tasks set by Aichi-Nagoya Declaration and the Russian state documents on education for sustainable development are considered. Psychological barriers of understanding ideas for sustainable development are analyzed. The psychological and pedagogical ways of overcoming of these barriers are suggested. Need of promoting of these ideas among the population is proved. Possibilities of overcoming of psychological barriers of school students misunderstanding of SD ideas by means of the author’s technique of transdisciplinary interaction of school subjects are described. It is proved that didactic units “the scientific notion” “action”, “value” are insufficient for achievement of cultural results of ESD. The integrated didactic unit constructed on the basis of national cultural concepts – “a culture clot” in consciousness of the person – can execute this function. At the heart of a technique – key ideas of a sustainable development (ecological and moral imperatives) presented in a metaphorical form – so-called, “green axioms”. They act as means of identification values and meanings of SD in cultural concepts, which obviously or are immanently presented in the maintenance of all school subjects. The technique acts as means of the organization activity of school students for generating personal meanings for SD on the basis of structuring, correction and development of their cultural concepts around the scientific base of SD. Metaphorical “green axioms” are carrying out a role of cultural “stitching” of different subjects content for SD.
Key words ideas of sustainable development, psychological barriers, cultural concepts, “green axioms”
Article information
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Full articlePsychological Barriers of Education for Sustainable Development and Ways of their Overcoming