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Article name | Study of the Personal Traits of Causers of Road Traffic Incidents with Grave Consequences |
Authors | Krasnenkova S.A.Candidate of Psychology |
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UDK | 159.923.2:343.9 |
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Annotation | The paper analyzes the factors contributing to the growth in the number of road traffic offenses committed by drivers under the influence of alcohol. The paper presents the results of empirical study of the personality characteristics of persons convicted for crimes connected with traffic violations and improper use of vehicles that resulted in manslaughter. The paper also offers a criminological and individual psychological assessment of the personality of convict of this category, who is serving his criminal sentence in a colony-settlement. In modern criminological and psychological literature there is a prevailing view that road traffic offenders (just as the rest of the criminals who committed offenses by negligence) have socially integrated personalities, and defects in legal and moral consciousness are not typical for them. The current psychological research has led to the conclusion that a traffic accident with grave consequences is not just a result of the concatenation of negative circumstances in the life of an individual, in the absence of which he or she becomes indistinguishable from the majority of law-abiding citizens. The road traffic crime is a logical consequence, the product of predisposition and personal readiness to break the law. Hope is expressed that the results of the study set out in this paper can assist with the organization of preventive measures to improve road safety in the country. |
Key words | road traffic accident, road traffic offences, criminal penalty, negligence, manslaughter, convict, psycho-diagnostics, criminological characteristics, personal traits |
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Full article | Study of the Personal Traits of Causers of Road Traffic Incidents with Grave Consequences |