Article name Ethno-Psychological Features of Hardiness of the Russian and Polish Students
Authors Leonenko N.O.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Novakovsky A..Teacher of the Russian Philology Department
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.9
Article type
Annotation The article presents the results of empirical research of Russian and Polish students’ hardiness. Students of the humanitarian directions of higher education institutions of Yekaterinburg, the Russian Federation (200 people) and Krakow, Poland (130 people) acted as respondents. Hardiness is operationalized in categories of the life-purpose orientations and terminal values of the personality. Psycho-diagnostic techniques were used: the test of hardiness of S. Maddi adapted by D. A. Leontyev and E.I. Rasskazova; test of life-purpose orientations of D. Leontyev; morphological test of vital values (V. Sopova, L. Karpushina). The mathematicstatistical analysis of empirical data was carried out by means of parametrical t-criterion of Styudent. During the analysis it was established that the Russian students possess higher level of resilience and intelligence of life, orientation to the future (purposes) and an involvement into process of life (present) in comparison with the Polish students. The Polish respondents differ in higher level of conviction in opportunity to control life, to make decisions and to realize them, to have impact on the course of vital events. The revealed distinctions are interpreted as ethno-psychological features of youth and considered as possible resources of overcoming in the conditions of system crisis of modern society.
Key words hardiness, students, ethno-psychological features of the personality, terminal values, lifepurpose orientations
Article information
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