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Article name | Theoretical Bases and Principles of Motivational Training (on the Experience of the Journalists Training in the Branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Sevastopol) |
Authors | Kokhanova L.A.Doctor of Philology, Professor |
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UDK | 378.016:159.9 + 159.947.5 |
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Annotation | The author examines the theoretical foundations and principles of students’ motivational training of “Journalism”. The concept of motivational training for journalists on the idea that education should be motivating, especially when it comes to specialized disciplines. The result of such training should be considered as formed by students’ skills to use something new that they have received in the course of employment already during practice in the media. During the study, the authors have developed the concept and principles of motivational training for journalists: technological literacy, expanding the range of perception of the world, the balance of comfort and discomfort. The particular importance takes the principle – focus on the practical application of the results of journalism. Implementation of this principle is carried out using the research work of students. The paper summarizes the experience of training future journalists in the branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Sevastopol. The author stresses that an important element of the concept of motivational training is an organization in which students have the opportunity to experience first hand the paradox of action motivational forces, for example, Zaygarnik effect, Lissner effect or mechanism autonomy motive. |
Key words | psychology, motive, motivational training, principle, journalism |
Article information | |
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Full article | Theoretical Bases and Principles of Motivational Training (on the Experience of the Journalists Training in the Branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Sevastopol) |