Article name The Time Perspective of High School Pupils at Rural Schools and its Relationship with the Professional Self-Determination and Development
Authors Lesnyanskaya Z.A.Candidate of Psychology
Bibliographic description
UDK 373
Article type
Annotation The article is dedicated to the time perspective development. It actualizes the notion of time perspective. It analyses the peculiarities of time perspective of high level pupils at rural school. The author pays attention to the necessity of developing this psychological phenomenon as a condition of professional self-determination. It describes the program to develop time perspective. The author proves the efficiency of the program as a means of the time perspective development of high level pupils at a rural school. The article substantiates the relationship of time perspective and professional self-determination of personality. It argues the need for psychological support of pupils’ development during their studies at the school. The author describes the results of a comparative analysis of study of the peculiarities of time perspectives and professional self-determination of senior pupils, and the relationship of time perspectives and professional self-determination. It demonstrates the timeliness and the need for time perspective development, during studies at the school that is effective for further professional and personal self-realization.
Key words time perspective, psychological time, personal self-determination, professional self-determination, self-realization
Article information
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Full articleThe Time Perspective of High School Pupils at Rural Schools and its Relationship with the Professional Self-Determination and Development