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Article name | Proto-Anarchism in the Political Consciousness of Antiquity |
Authors | Polyakov D.B.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 1 (091): 321 |
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Annotation | The role played by the different ideologies and conceptions in the political discourse of modernity has a great importance for the understanding of many processes that characterize today’s socio-political reality. Is important also the analysis of the foundations of these ideologies and conceptions in historic-philosophical context, because this analysis points to continuity of socio-political problems, and so – makes it easier to recognize their essence and perhaps to predict their unwanted appearance. The article reveals the preconditions for the emergence of such social and political doctrine as anarchism – the theory of a classless and stateless society based on the principles of mutual aid and self-government – in the philosophical systems of the Ancient world. If the ancient thought appealing to positive image of the state as to the basis of social order is studied deeply enough, the thought diminishing the role of state or completely denying it is, according to the author, a scantily or insufficiently analyzed phenomenon in terms of learning the social philosophy of anarchism. The article examines the most important philosophical concepts and some of the theories of individual thinkers of the Ancient East and the Antiquity from the point of view of the topic. There is explored role of anarchism (proto-anarchism) in the political consciousness of antiquity and also given an idea about the system of political consciousness as such. |
Key words | anarchism, proto-anarchism, political consciousness, Taoism, Sophism, Cynicism |
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Full article | Proto-Anarchism in the Political Consciousness of Antiquity |