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Article name | Two Religious Concepts of Social Finalism: Existential (N. Berdyaev) and Cosmic (N. Fyodorov) |
Authors | Privalova M.V.Candidate of Philosophy |
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UDK | 141.157 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of social finalistic concepts of two prominent Russian scientists – Nikolai Berdyaev and Nikolai Fedorov. Contemporary social realia demonstrate that today the concepts of social finalism have become a tool for the manipulation of both individual and social consciousness. Eschatological doctrines, the most widespread in Russia in late 19 - early 20 centuries are the forerunner of today’s finalistic concepts. This is due to the interest of the author to the above mentioned philosophers. Both the concepts presented in the study are religious ones, but as Berdyaev’s philosophy refers to existential direction and Fedorov’s doctrine relates to Russian cosmism, they differ quite significantly in their understanding of the conditions and resources needed to reach the next (ideal) level of social existence. The basis of Berdyaev’s finalistic concept is Kant’s doctrine of noumena and phenomena. Analyzing the philosopher’s works of different years, the author highlights three eschatological perspectives in the philosophy of Berdyaev – individual-private, national-historical and universal-historical. To achieve the goals (final) one has to become a creator, a converter. Fedorov’s concept does not expect going beyond the world of objects. The purpose of humanity is the overcoming of death, the resurrection of dead fathers (“patrofication”), and thereby achieving universal immortality. Fedorov’s Eschatological perspective is the only one – the cathedral, as salvation (“resurrection”) can be realized for mankind only collectively (in synodical way). The analysis of these concepts will create a methodological and theoretical framework for the study of modern finalistic doctrines. |
Key words | finalism, eschatology, concept of social finalism, noumenon, phenomenon, man-creator, collegiality, eschatological perspective |
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References | 1. Berdyaev N. A. Sud’ba Rossii: Sochineniya. M.: Eksmo, Khar’kov: Folio, 2004. 736 s. 2. Berdyaev N. A. Tsarstvo Dukha i tsarstvo kesarya. M.: Respublika, 1995. 3. Il’in I. A. Pochemu my verim v Rossiyu: Sochineniya. M.: Eksmo, 2007. 912 s. 4. N. A. Berdyaev o russkoi filosofii / sost. B. V. Emel’yanova, A. I. Novikova. Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 1991. Ch. 2. 240 s. 5. Privalova M. V. Dialektika absolyutnogo i otnositel’nogo v eskhatologicheskikh vozzreniyakh E. Trubetskogo // Gumanitarnyi vektor. 2014. № 2 (38). S.14–20. 6. Fedorov N. F. Sochineniya / obshch. red. A. V. Gulyga. M.: Mysl’, 1982. 711 s. Istochniki 7. Kalendar’ Maiya [Elektronnyi resurs]: [sait]. URL: /s77341 /apokalipsis (data obrashcheniya: 05.03.2015). 8. Fol’klorus [Elektronnyi resurs]: [sait]. URL: /library /articles /kizevetter_1.html (data obrashcheniya: 05.03.2015). |
Full article | Two Religious Concepts of Social Finalism: Existential (N. Berdyaev) and Cosmic (N. Fyodorov) |