Article name The Estimation of Postmodernism in the Contemporary Russian Socio-Humanistic Studies
Authors Rutskova V.S.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 101.1:316
Article type
Annotation The beginning of the XX century was marked with the transition from the classical type of thinking of the era of the modernist style to the non-classical one and further to post-non-classical style. The transition of society, science and culture to qualitatively new state became a message for the emergence of the new term which could characterize the happened changes. So the concept “postmodernism” arose during the attempt to rethink new tendencies in the West in the second half of the XX century. Nowadays the studying of the phenomenon of postmodernism became topicality again, in connection with uncertainty of the further world development. More and more scientists pay attention to postmodernism problems. The purpose of this article is the explanation of the concept “postmodernism” and the analyses of different approaches to the estimation of that philosophical and cultural current, having marked in the modern Russian science. The author shows the history of the concept “postmodernism” shortly, and pays attention to the author considers various estimates of a postmodernism among the Russian researchers, such as I. P. Ilyin, B. N. Kuritsin, Y. N. Davydov, P. K. Grechko, M. N. Epstein, etc. and makes the appropriated conclusion.
Key words postmodernism, postmodern, culture, society, modernity
Article information
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