Article name Scandal on the Marginalia of Medieval Culture
Authors Sychev A.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 008
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the phenomenon of scandal in the context of medieval culture. The author shows that in the Middle Ages the place for the scandal as a deviant phenomenon could be found only in the marginalia of official culture (a peripheral space where the dominant worldview were facing with something unfamiliar, and culture were transforming to anti-culture). External temporal borders of the Middle Ages were the fracture lines between Christian civilization, ancient and modern times. The author shows that the period of the decline of antiquity and the age of Renaissance abounded in scandalous situations. From the other side throughout the period of the Middle Ages the scandals were comparatively rare phenomena. Internal (calendar) temporal boundaries of the Middle Age culture ran between cyclical successive periods of official and informal life. At the boundaries of official time the phenomenon of carnival was formed. Carnival was an integral part of medieval life and scandalous was a part of carnival, which contributed to dynamics and variability of culture. External spatial boundaries of culture of the Middle Ages ran along the lines of collision with traditions of strangers. The lifestyle of peoples of distant lands described in a fantastic way and the behavior of neighbors described as immoral: dissolute and aggressive. Internal spatial borders marked the lines of collision of official culture with the dissent.
Key words scandal, marginality, provocation, medieval culture, border, transgression
Article information
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