Article name Modern Geography and Current Issues of Studying of the Interaction between Society and Nature
Authors Bocharnikov V.N.Doctor of Biology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 910:504
Article type
Annotation Science can make the technological basis of the modern human well-being, despite the fact that the process of scientific knowledge changes dramatically at different times. In today’s society are primary resource requests, despite the popularity of reasoning about the emergence of noosphere thinking and the potential for sustainable development. In the context of expanding the territory inhabited planet there is an urgent need to correlate the rate of change of the environment with the ability to adapt human and human populations, determining limits of their impact on the biosphere, on the basis of the permissible limits of change. The scientific study of the meaning of this kind lies in the fact that the mutual dependence of components and geographical reality they form complex material systems, or systems shown in the adjacent component changes from place to place, i. e. in their mutual confinement. Geography, in the modern sense, establishes the laws of development of entire systems (ecosystems, geo-systems, landscapes) and their constituent elements; its current objectives are to study the complex nature of the population and the economy, establishing patterns of interaction between society and geographical environment. The object is a complex geographical characteristics of a particular area, mapping objects such as naturally occurring and man-made processes and their functioning and interaction with the local specifics of their (direct and indirect differences from place to place). The basis of this work must be based on human well-being, realistically understood as material support his basic needs: basic (ensuring sufficient food, shelter, clothing, and access to other benefits); Health (supported in a healthy physical environment, clean air and clean water); good social relations, security and freedom of choice and action.
Key words theory of geography, GIS, global problem of interaction between man and nature, ecosystem services, biodiversity
Article information
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Full articleModern Geography and Current Issues of Studying of the Interaction between Society and Nature