Article name Russian-Chinese-Mongolian Transboundedness as Space of Cross-Cultural Dialogue
Authors Van Pin ..Postgraduate Stude
Bibliographic description
UDK 304.2
Article type
Annotation The paper is devoted to the problem of cross-cultural dialogue between Russia /the Soviet Union, China and Mongolia. According to the author, the cultural and dialogical relations between these countries which were formed throughout several centuries are caused by the difficult and contradictory interstate relations. Russian-Chinese- Mongolian transboundedness is considered as space in which favorable conditions for fruitful cultural interaction, interference and interchange were created. The comparative-historical approach and theory of cultural translation used in article allow the author to prove interesting conclusions about results of cross-cultural interaction of Russia / the Soviet Union, China and Mongolia; these conclusions represent undoubted scientific novelty. It is specifically stated that cultural dialogue of these countries represents a way of adaptation to changes of the development trajectory of culture and civilization, to the new historical realities appearing as a result of these changes; that the history of relationship of three countries always was contradictory and was followed by cardinal changes in alignment and superiority of forces; that effectiveness of cross-cultural dialogue in many respects is defined by communicative opportunities of concrete culture, its willingness to borrow and adapt alien cultural experience, to share their cultural experiences –the author refers to such cultures what make a so-called cultural triangle of “Russia – China – Mongolia”.
Key words Russian-Chinese-Mongolian transboundedness, cross-cultural dialogue, space of cross-cultural dialogue, Chinese culture, Mongolian culture, culture of Russia
Article information
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Full articleRussian-Chinese-Mongolian Transboundedness as Space of Cross-Cultural Dialogue