Article | |
Article name | Cross-Border Socio-Cultural Space: Contents and Mechanisms of Cross-Border Representation of the Baikal Region |
Authors | Namsaraeva T.T.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 008 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to studying of cross-border cultural space, detection of the contents and mechanisms of cross-border representation of the Baikal region. The author studies concept of cross-border, different definitions this concept, analyzes features this subject. The article shows features, tasks, modern criteria of an assessment of image of attractiveness of the region in creation of image policy of Russia. The author presents mechanisms and the content of cross-border representation. The author creates such brand like the small cities brand, cultural clusters and cultural and tourist brands. Creation of cultural brands is directed on stimulation of development of the sphere of culture and economic, scientific and technical, social, innovative development of the country. The article reveals need of integration of efforts of the Government of Zabaikalsky region and Ministries: international cooperation, foreign economic relations and tourism; educations, science and youth policy; cultures; sport; territorial and economic development; natural resources and industrial policy of Zabaikalsky region; mass media on creation, realization and advance of Strategy of image policy of regional development, which includes formation of “the cultural industries, cultural brands, optimization of strategy of cultural policy, a brand culture, a brand planning, a technique of an assessment of cultural brands, development of projects to advance cultural brands. |
Key words | cross-border socio-cultural space, cross-border representation, Baikal region, image of the region, regional branding, cultural and tourist brand |
Article information | |
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Full article | Cross-Border Socio-Cultural Space: Contents and Mechanisms of Cross-Border Representation of the Baikal Region |