Article name Philosophical and Geographical Idealization of Cross-Border Nature Organization, Population and Economy of the Eastern Junction of the Borders of Russia, Mongolia and China
Authors Novikov A.N.Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 910.1
Article type
Annotation The method of idealization in geography is often put into maps. The building of geographical ideal models, which are called geographical anamorphosis or distortions – is a qualitatively higher level of idealization, because only idealized models – maps – are exposed to idealization. It is natural that this method does not receive widespread use, sharing geographical community into two camps: geographers-inventories, their generalization ends with geographical mapping, and geographers-idealizers, facing a qualitatively higher level of abstraction – ideal models building. Border areas of the eastern junction of the borders of Russia, Mongolia and China can be represented as a dialectical interaction between two ideal models: parallel-perpendicular, reflecting direction of mountain ranges and road network, forming a square-mesh structure and arc-radial, reflecting rivers arcuate, some ridges, deviated from the linear to arcuate. Each model is essentially concentric. Square-cell structure can be seen as a set of inscribed in each other square and arc-radial as inscribed each other circle, complemented with radial lines. At the center of both models there is a junction of three countries. The parallel-perpendicular model shows the concentric squares inscribed in each other, and in arc-radial – circles. Concentricity of both models is expressed in a concentric reduction of the height of the terrain as it moves to the junction of the three countries borders. As a result of the complementarity of the two models there is a third model – the square-circular, which combines elements of the first two ones, it is most appropriately reflects the geographic reality.
Key words border, dialectics, additionality, Zabaikalsky Krai, idealization, China, model, Mongolia, border territory, Russia, trans-border territory
Article information
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Full articlePhilosophical and Geographical Idealization of Cross-Border Nature Organization, Population and Economy of the Eastern Junction of the Borders of Russia, Mongolia and China