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Article name | Philosophical and Geographical Idealization of Cross-Border Nature Organization, Population and Economy of the Eastern Junction of the Borders of Russia, Mongolia and China |
Authors | Novikov A.N.Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 910.1 |
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Annotation | The method of idealization in geography is often put into maps. The building of geographical ideal models, which are called geographical anamorphosis or distortions – is a qualitatively higher level of idealization, because only idealized models – maps – are exposed to idealization. It is natural that this method does not receive widespread use, sharing geographical community into two camps: geographers-inventories, their generalization ends with geographical mapping, and geographers-idealizers, facing a qualitatively higher level of abstraction – ideal models building. Border areas of the eastern junction of the borders of Russia, Mongolia and China can be represented as a dialectical interaction between two ideal models: parallel-perpendicular, reflecting direction of mountain ranges and road network, forming a square-mesh structure and arc-radial, reflecting rivers arcuate, some ridges, deviated from the linear to arcuate. Each model is essentially concentric. Square-cell structure can be seen as a set of inscribed in each other square and arc-radial as inscribed each other circle, complemented with radial lines. At the center of both models there is a junction of three countries. The parallel-perpendicular model shows the concentric squares inscribed in each other, and in arc-radial – circles. Concentricity of both models is expressed in a concentric reduction of the height of the terrain as it moves to the junction of the three countries borders. As a result of the complementarity of the two models there is a third model – the square-circular, which combines elements of the first two ones, it is most appropriately reflects the geographic reality. |
Key words | border, dialectics, additionality, Zabaikalsky Krai, idealization, China, model, Mongolia, border territory, Russia, trans-border territory |
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Full article | Philosophical and Geographical Idealization of Cross-Border Nature Organization, Population and Economy of the Eastern Junction of the Borders of Russia, Mongolia and China |