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Article name | Language of Icon in the Work of Elena Cherkasova: Sacred Word and Hesychast Silence |
Authors | Drobnaya E.V.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 008 |
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Annotation | This article focuses on to the actual problem of continuity of Russian culture, the representation of the spiritual meaning of the Orthodox religious paintings in modern art. Sequential treatment of contemporary artists to the Orthodox canon author considers logical in light of the role of culture-Orthodox Russian culture. The aim of the article is to study the possibilities of creative interpretation of modern Orthodox artists’ elements of artistic language icons on the example of the individual characteristics of the modern art style of the author Elena Cherkasova. Using the phenomenological and semiotic-hermeneutical methods, the author reveals in his paintings Cherkasova composition-shaped members shall represent the holistic spiritual sense, icons, defines the relationship of her work with hesychast tradition (source philosophical canon in Orthodox iconography) as a part of hesychast method of knowing God. The most striking features of the language of creativity E. Cherkasova allocated “closing the mouth” of characters (according to the author’s intention deprived of the mouth) and filling the space of the painting sacred texts. Convincing artistic expression Christocentric inspiration of creativity and synergy Cherkasova contribute to the preservation of the Russian cultural tradition, to overcome the moral crisis of modern society and the conflict between the interpretations of its cultural generations due to the interruption of religious tradition in several generations of people, which allows to identify the author E. Cherkasov within the religious direction of modern art as a modern Orthodox artist. |
Key words | Hesychasm, molchalnichestvo, representation, spiritual sense, Orthodox artist E. Cherkasova |
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Full article | Language of Icon in the Work of Elena Cherkasova: Sacred Word and Hesychast Silence |