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Article name | On the Problems of the Buryat Literary Studies |
Authors | Dugarzhapova T.M.Doctor of Philology |
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UDK | 89 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the peoples spiritual values in their historical development, the issues related to the study of the historical way of development of nomadic peoples’ literature, the identification of accumulated artistic traditions. Literary monuments of Russia’s Mongolian peoples, reflecting the artistic values of nomadic culture, enrich the historical and artistic peoples’ consciousness. There is a necessity of scientific understanding of writers’ creativity, and national identity is a fundamental factor, contributing to the evolutionary transformation in individual creative development and development, for them. The Mongolian peoples; Literature perpetuate the value of nomadic culture, specificity of philosophy, moral and aesthetic concepts, variety of images and system of philosophy that are invaluable intellectual heritage of mankind. The literary heritage of the Mongolian people is not only the value of nomadic culture, but also the impact of the oldest civilizations of the East. In this respect, it should be noted that the poems of famous Mongolian speaking poets absorbed the national values of nomadic culture. They enriched the poetry of the Mongolian people with their peculiar means making great traditions of the past to the developed modern system of originally unfading artistic and aesthetic verbal skills. Therefore, at present the problem of scientific understanding of creativity of the writers, for whom national identity contributes to the establishment and development of their artistic outlook, becomes urgent. |
Key words | national literature source, written culture of nomadic peoples, artistic worldview, main directions of national poetry development, individual creative formation and development |
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References | 1. Vladimirtsov B.Ya. Mongol’skaya literatura // «Literatura Vostoka». Vyp. 2. Pb., 1920. S.112. 2. Gerasimovich L. K. Literatura Mongol’skoi Narodnoi Respubliki 1921–1964 gg. Leningrad, 1965. 311 s. 3. Grigor’eva T. P. Dao i logos (vstrecha kul’tur). M: Nauka, 1992. 296 c. 4. Dugarzhapova T. M. Poetika D. Ulzytueva. Ulan-Ude: Buryatsk. kn. izd-vo, 2001. 187 s. 5. Kozin S. A. Epos mongol’skikh narodov. M.-L., 1948. S.63–64. 6. Literaturnye svyazi Mongolii. M: Nauka, 1981. 430 s. 7. Mir kochevykh tsivilizatsii: istoriya i sovremennost’: materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. Chita; Aginskoe, 2007. 365 s. 8. Mikhailov G. I. Literaturnoe nasledstvo mongolov. M.: Nauka, 1969. 173 s. 9. Tudenov G. O. Buryatskoe stikhoslozhenie. Ulan-Ude: Buryatsk. kn. iz-vo, 2001. 166 s. 10. Tsydendambaev Ts. B. Buryatskie istoricheskie khroniki i rodoslovnye. Ulan-Ude, 1973. 329 s. |
Full article | On the Problems of the Buryat Literary Studies |