Article name Research Methodology of «Ethnic Cultures» in Modern China
Authors Zhukov A.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Solovyeva N.A.Postgraduate Student
Zhukova A.A.Candidate of Philosophy
Bibliographic description
UDK 39(571.54 /55)
Article type
Annotation The article attempts to analyze the methodological basis of modern Chinese publications devoted to the study of ethnic culture in China. The authors identify a number of concepts specific for the Chinese ethnological discourse, such as «united Chinese nation», «nationality», «minor nationality» and «middle state». On the basis of the above mentioned the ethnology in China as a part of the communication strategy of the state is proved. The instrumental use of ethnological knowledge is based on the distribution of the two types of ethnic culture images. Some of them are directed «outside» and distribute images of multiethnic state which serve the promotion of the image on the world stage. The others are directed «inside» the country and serve to create an image of a «united» state, rallied around the idea of « united Chinese nation». Conclusions of the article prove that the specificity of Chinese science of nations lies in the fact that it is a tool for the formation of an ethnic group and is used in order to centralize the state, and therefore is represented not only as an ethnological analysis, but also as the subject of analysis. The content and conclusions of the article provides for a better understanding of the basis of Chinese ethnological science methodology and the essence of China’s policy towards ethnic cultures at the present stage, as it indicates that the ethnological science in China is understood to be the most correct, easy to understand and an effective action method of population persuasion, aimed at the construction of world outlooks and ethnic ideals.
Key words united Chinese nation, nationality, minor nationality, middle state, instrumentalism, pre-modernism, constructivism, information strategy
Article information
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Full articleResearch Methodology of «Ethnic Cultures» in Modern China