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Article name | Resource Potential of Russian Culture: Historical-Dominant Retrospective |
Authors | Irkhen I.I.Doctor of Culturology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 008(011) |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to resource potential of the culture of Russia in a historical-dominant retrospective. Resources of culture appear in the form of set of the opportunities interfaced between them used for production of a cultural product, the cultural benefits or services, and also a factor of the culture as a condition and an implementer of social and economic projects. Concentration of resource potential in models of the cultural environment, a world outlook matrix, in forms of the cultural capital, ethno-national psychology, in mechanisms of cultural memory opens a valuable and semantic basis of steady social and cultural dynamics of public life. In this context of the cultural dynamics stages of the cultural resource (pre-Christian, Christian-secular and contemporary ones) are singled out and their vector configuration is determined. Also interconnection of culture and Orthodox faith is traced with outlining conceptual dominants of the cultural process of every historical epoch. On the basis of the methodological unity of empirical, theoretical analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization as well as socio-cultural reflection the author establish historicity and mobility of resources of culture. It is noted that weakening of internal resource base of culture involves reduction of its influence on arrangement of life of people. The author come to a conclusion, that the resource potential of culture, providing for the law of its sustainable development, as well as for keeping the cultural and historical memory of the nation, serves as a vector of contemporary social transformations. |
Key words | culture, culture resources, resource potential of culture, conceptual dominants of the cultural process, continuity, Orthodoxy |
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Full article | Resource Potential of Russian Culture: Historical-Dominant Retrospective |