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Article name | “Chinatown” and its Performances in the Social and Cultural Space of the Streets of Russian Far Eastern City (The Second Half of the XIX – the 1920) |
Authors | Koroleva V.A.Candidate of History koroleva_val@ |
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DOI | |
UDK | 792.5(=951):316.7.081 /.084(571.6–2) |
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Annotation | The article covers appearance of Chinatowns in the Russian Far Eastern cities on the example of the famous “Millionka” (Chinatown of Vladivostok), influence of this “Small China” and its phenomena – open-air performances – on the formation of the city cultural (in particular, musical) environment. It shows significance of the activity of Chinese artists and musicians in the festive and day-to-day life of the Far Eastern Russian city and influence of the vast Chinese community on the image of Vladivostok forming within contemporaries during the latter half of the nineteenth century – first decades of the twentieth century. The author focuses on important ritual (for the Asians) and simultaneously a tremendous festive show (for all the city people) – the New Year procession with dragon through the streets of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk performed by artists and musicians of the Chinese theatre; as well as on the sketches of day-to-day life - street performances of the Chinese artists (jongleurs, acrobats, sword-swallowers etc.), which Russian spectators called “oriental fun and frolic”. It was of great importance for the contemporaries of the events under consideration that men of letters, journalists, scientists expressed their appreciation of the shows of the Oriental Street Theatre in the metropolitan and local press, memoirs, researches, thus expediting the interest of Russian society to the culture of the Far Eastern civilization countries. |
Key words | city musical environment, cultural dialogue, art, Chinese (Far East) street theatre, show, Far East of Russia, the Chinese |
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Full article | “Chinatown” and its Performances in the Social and Cultural Space of the Streets of Russian Far Eastern City (The Second Half of the XIX – the 1920) |