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Article name | Russian Immigrants in Harbin: Interaction of two Cultures |
Authors | Miao Hui ..Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 008 (5 кит) |
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Annotation | The construction of the Far East segment of the Trans–Siberian Railway and influx of Russian immigrants caused a rapid development of Harbin, making its town culture much more diverse. Gradually, Russian immigrants became an important group of Harbin population contributing considerably to Harbin’s cultural life. The paper demonstrates how Russian culture made a dramatic impact on fashion, cuisine, houses interior, architecture, street and district names, emergence of mixed marriages and other spheres of town culture. The city serving as a key political, economic, and cultural and communications hub in Northeast China, in its turn, influenced the culture of Russian Diaspora. This shaped the unique character of Harbin’s town culture with its two major components – Russian and Chinese. Moreover, due to the long-lasting cultural contacts, and particularly mixed marriages, family ties, business partnerships there began the process of mutual enrichment of the two cultures, which ignored national borders and cultural differences. This period of the Harbin history may serve as an example of full cultural integration. The author applies the historical semiotic approach, methods of comparison, abstraction and idealization. |
Key words | Russian Diaspora, Chinese-Russian culture, cultural interaction, identity |
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Full article | Russian Immigrants in Harbin: Interaction of two Cultures |