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Article name | Medicine as a Sphere of Childhood Safety: Disclosure of a Subject on the Example of the Russian Literature |
Authors | Zasukhina V.N.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 882 |
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Annotation | Topicality of the problems making an object of author’s research is caused first of all by that they are indicators of compliance modern culture to the principles of humanity. The author writes about vulnerability of child’s life and health, about need of childhood protection in the conditions of the risks generated by diseases, poverty, ignorance and cruelty of adults; points that the medicine is the sphere in which the child has to be most protected from everything that can cause damage to his life, health and wellbeing. The analysis of the problems presented in article is carried out on the example of a number of the Russian literature works in which the medicine subject and the childhood subject ara connected. Using by by the author of the analysis method of the literary text is explained by that the chosen literary works are wider and deeper than their material shell that is actually literary text: chosen literary works represent socio-cultural reality, cause cultural and historical associations and are some kind of model of cultural space. The problems that appear in their text are staticized – it is due to aesthetics means and literary craftsmanship of authors. These problems are perceived by readers not as literary abstract, and as fully reflecting real situations, circumstances and the relations. The Russian literature is considered in paper as a origin of formation of idea that the medicine has to be the guarantor of child safety - it is the idea which is accurately formulated and legally secured in the XX century. |
Key words | childhood safety, medicine, childhood protection, vulnerability of child life, risk, culture humanization |
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Full article | Medicine as a Sphere of Childhood Safety: Disclosure of a Subject on the Example of the Russian Literature |