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Article name | Fiscal Policy of Siberian Provincial Center (Late XVIII – Early XIX Centuries) |
Authors | Dameshek L.M.Doctor of History, Professor levdameshek@gmail.comPlotnikova M.M.Doctor of History, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 336.143(571.53) |
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Annotation | This article reviews the sources of the budget formation in Siberian provincial center Irkutsk based on archival documents of the Irkutsk City Duma, the Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire, the pre-revolutionary literature. Provincial Irkutsk was the vast Eastern center on the outskirts of the Russian Empire. Catherine II initiated the Foundation for the urban fiscal policy development. She gave the city a portion of the income from the state treasury. Then Paul I gave the cities a few profitable items of income that were added to municipal budgets. However, it was Paul who burdened the city budgets with the implementation of the common government expenditure such as the police costs. The article draws attention to the peculiarities of the city budget formation of the provincial Irkutsk and the policy of Irkutsk city majors, aimed at improving the efficiency of the municipal budget. All sources of the city budget have been thoroughly analyzed and each article includes not only figures, but also shows the dynamics of the urban income items development. Therefore, it is possible to speak about the formation and development of fiscal policy in provincial Irkutsk in the late XVIII – early XIX centuries. Such analysis has been made in Siberian historiography for the first time. |
Key words | city budget, city income, city expenses, Irkutsk City Duma, city majors |
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Full article | Fiscal Policy of Siberian Provincial Center (Late XVIII – Early XIX Centuries) |