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Article name | “… On culture border”: I. I. Popov in Kyakhta exile |
Authors | Ivanov A.A.Doctor of History, Professor |
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UDK | 93 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to history of stay of I. I. Popov, a revolutionary, one of the most active workers of Narodnaya Volya, in an administrative exile in Western Transbaikalia in 1885–1894. Based on the little-known published materials, the author seeks to show Popov’s participation in organization of a public city library, museum of local lore, and Troitskosavsk-Kyakhta office of the Priamursky department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. It is remarkable that it was I. I. Popov who as one of the first professional historians began systematic scientific study of history of Decembrists’ stay in Transbaikalia, their influence on local society, culture, life, and education. In Kyakhta, I. I. Popov began his development as a journalist who was skillful in writing topics of the day and criticizing shortcomings of the Siberian reality. Thanks to his correspondence and invariable active living position, Popov was respected by many remarkable contemporaries who repeatedly came to Kyakhta or lived there for a long time: E. K. Breshko- Breshkovskoy, D. A. Klementsa, M. A. Lushnikov, G. N. Potanin, N. M. Yadrintsev. Thus, I. I. Popov’s stay in Kyakhta is the most interesting, but a little-studied page of political history of Western Transbaikalia in the late XIX century. |
Key words | Western Transbaikalia, Kyakhta, Troitskosavsk, Selenginsk, political exile, Decembrists, journalism |
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References | 1. Breshkovskaya K. Vospominaniya i dumy // Sotsialist-revolyutsioner (Parizh). 1912. Vyp. IV. 2. Krol’ M. A. Stranitsy moei zhizni. M.;Ierusalim: Mosty kul’tury, 2008. s. 3. Petryaev Evg. Vperedi – ogni. Ocherki kul’turnogo proshlogo Zabaikal’ya. Irkutsk: Vost.-Sib. kn. izd-vo, 1968. 340 s. 4. Popov I. I. Minuvshee i perezhitoe (vospominaniya za 50 let). L.: Kolos, 1924. Ch. 2: Sibir’ i emigratsiya. 290 s. 5. Popov I. I. Minuvshee i perezhitoe. M.; L.: Asademia, 1933. S. 143. 6. Popov I. I. Zabytye irkutskie stranitsy: Zapiski redaktora. Irkutsk: Vost.-Sib. kn. izd-vo, 1989. 384 s. 7. Popov Ivan Ivanovich: Avtobiografiya // Deyateli SSSR i revolyutsionnogo dvizheniya v Rossii. Entsikl. slovar’ br. Granat. M.: Sov. entsikl., 1989. S. 182 –186. 8. Ptitsyn Vl. Kirenskii arkhiv. [B. m. ], [b. g. ]. S. 5–7 |
Full article | “… On culture border”: I. I. Popov in Kyakhta exile |