Article name Formation of the Russian Legislation on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations in the 1990s: Historical Analysis and Political-Legal Aspect
Authors Akhmadulina S.Z.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description
UDK 348.06
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the process of formation of the Russian legislation on freedom of conscience and religious associations in the 1990s, political and legal aspects of Church-state relations. The author notes that the period considered in developing the legislative policy was key in the transition from the Soviet religious past to a new confessional space of Russia, formation of the state religious policy, stateChurch and interconfessional relations. The article outlines a number of problematic issues associated with controversial and intense processes of formation of legislation in the field of religious rights because of a lack of initial vision and mechanisms for implementing the new government’s policy. This is evidenced by more than eighty normative-legal acts, in varying degrees, on questions of freedom of conscience and religious associations adopted during a brief historical period (from 1990 to 1997), which often came into conflict with the existing religious laws. The main emphasis is on a comparative analysis of the laws that fundamentally changed the conditions of the functioning of religious associations, the religious situation in the country and the nature of the relationship between Church and state. According to the results of the analysis carried out, it should be noted that formation of the Russian legislation in the field of religious law in the 1990s was focused on peace interconfessional dialogue, conflict prevention on religious grounds, which was especially important in the context of national, historical and cultural features of the country, and advancing missionary activities of foreign preachers. The creation of a new legal model of religious policy of the Russian state has identified a number of issues that, ultimately, remain relevant today.
Key words Freedom of conscience, religious law, Church-state relations, religious situation, traditional religion, new religious movements
Article information
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Full articleFormation of the Russian Legislation on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations in the 1990s: Historical Analysis and Political-Legal Aspect