Article name Archival Documents on the History of Agricultural Education in Transbaikalia in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries
Authors Ledkova L.P.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 37(571.54/55)
Article type
Annotation The article considers a complex of archival sources that allow us to analyze the process of agricultural education formation and development in Transbaikalia. In addition, the article discloses the activities of special schools and extracurricular agricultural learning activities. Archival documents, including the decisions of central and local authorities, circulars, petitions and clerical records are the source base on history of agricultural education in Transbaikalia in the late 19th – early 20th century. All documentary materials are classified in accordance with the subject of the study and are divided into three groups: 1) documents that reveal the role of local authorities and the role of public initiative in the development of agricultural education, 2) documents that contain information on special schools activities, 3) documents that contain information on extracurricular agricultural education. Analysis of the archival documents has revealed a number of problems of the topic: insufficient financial basis to build extensive network of lower, secondary and higher agricultural schools on the territory of Transbaikalia, short-staffed schools that had negative effect on educational process. The author identifies contradictions associated with orientation of the lower agricultural school to the peasantry and social demands of the Cossacks. Besides, the study highlights the role of the public in shaping agricultural educational system, generalizes materials on the activities of specialized schools, and considers the history of agricultural education in close connection with social – economic situation in Russia at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries.
Key words sources, archive, agricultural education, special schools
Article information
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Full articleArchival Documents on the History of Agricultural Education in Transbaikalia in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries