Article name Development of Primary Education System in Transbaikal Region in the XIX – early XX Century (on the Basis of Archival Materials and Published Papers)
Authors Mamkina I.N.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 373.3(571.54/55)
Article type
Annotation Modern educational system reform is one of the most discussed issues. Society has divided into supporters and opponents of the reform. Meanwhile, Russian educational system has rich historical experience. Research and implementation of this experience will develop more effective educational system in national interests. The author of the article has investigated history of formation and development of primary education in Transbaikal region in the XIX – early XX centuries based on the archival and published materials. The main objective of the research is to study organization principles and activity of primary education system, to analyze historical and statistical results in the process of its development. On the basis of archival materials and normative legal acts, the author considers the development of primary education system.The article deals with the terms of educational institutions establishment, sources of their financing. Based on the study of archival materials, the author defines the dynamic development of primary education in the second decade of the twentieth century and characterizes it as a basic element of general education system promoting the development of national education.
Key words Transbaikal region, primary education, parish schools, district schools, higher initial schools
Article information
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Full articleDevelopment of Primary Education System in Transbaikal Region in the XIX – early XX Century (on the Basis of Archival Materials and Published Papers)