Article name Application of Standards of Professional Journalism Ethics in the Practice of American Media
Authors Bykov A.Y.Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor
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Annotation The article defines basic categories of professional journalism ethics adopted in the United States. Factors that influence the content of ethics codes in the American journalistic community are analyzed. The author focuses on legal, political and professional traditions predetermining the emergence of codes. Changes in the documentary base, sources, including the norms of journalistic ethics are under discussion. Approaches to resolve ethical questions that arise in the process of journalist’s work are considered. The research results indicate that the historical conditions of the state development and its political traditions had influenced the formation of professional journalists’ culture. It confirms the idea that the ethical codes in modern American journalism are not constant categories, which do not assume any transformation. New documents are being issued and discussions about amendments to the codes are going on at present. The Society of Professional Journalists, the Radio-Television News Directors Association are the initiators of these innovations. The paper shows possible scope for future research: identification of the mechanisms by ethical regulation of journalistic activities, study of the professional ethics of journalists in other regions of the world.
Key words US journalism, journalism ethics, code of ethics, freedom of speech, political culture
Article information
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