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Article name | Political Text in Terms of Communicative Transgression |
Authors | Melnik G.S.Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor B.Y.Doctor of Philology, Professor |
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UDK | 070 |
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Annotation | The principles of postmodernism have largely changed the system of values. There has been a profound transformation of the nature of human consciousness, which is immersed in a semiotic space and serves as an active subject of the creation of the world consumption of signs and sign systems. Postnonclassical rationalism, despite its potential, has not given the possibility to get out of the circle of postmodernism, and transgression tenaciously holds subject of social action in it. As a result, there is as well a process of modifying the political text as an essential component of the overall political discourse. “Transgression of indifference” which is transformed into “ignorance of the law” is alleged, which entails a distortion of the political-social and humanitarian imperatives, bans are perceived conditionally, reality deforms and myths are treated as objective and authentic in terms of palpable phenomena. As a result, adequate perception of the world is undermined, cultural and mental bases for building efficient methodological cognitive structure in discursive terms are distorted, which could have serious negative consequences for mediumistic function of the text as a complex multicode phenomenon, especially for a political text that explains many abnormal phenomena including religious-political extremism, which can be observed in today’s media discourse. |
Key words | mass media, postnonclassical rationalism, transgression, power, separatism and religion |
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Full article | Political Text in Terms of Communicative Transgression |