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Article name | Factor of a Religious Aspect in Manipulating International Processes |
Authors | Nikonov S.B.Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 327 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to the formation of new approaches to the purposes and tools of foreign policy and the emergence of a new direction in foreign policy – noopolitik. By adopting the concept of noopolitik as the information strategy, Russia will openly declarea bout the formation of a new information strategy taking into account current political realities. Analyzing the political processes in North Africa, the author notes the need to take into account the religious factor in the formation of an information strategy. Specific features of mentality of the individual Muslim are identified. Understanding the lifestyles and attitudes of those who profess a religion other than the one that dominates in Russia will allow us, if necessary, to find the right leverage for the group.The author presents the methods, which help to form special information environment around the individual where individual attention is focused on one topic or problem. Such a topic or problem is directional information. The task of targeted information is to force the individual to make a choice and defend such position that is favorable for political actors. The more individuals will adhere to one position formulated by political actors, the easier it is to manage society. |
Key words | noopolitik, political processes, information security doctrine, manipulation, communication strategy |
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Full article | Factor of a Religious Aspect in Manipulating International Processes |