Article name Stages of Transformation of the Funeral Rites of Rural Buryats in the Soviet Period
Authors Suvorova A.S.Teacher
Zhambalova S.G.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 391/393 (571.54)
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problem of the impact of the Soviet ideology on funeral rituals of Buryats throughout the Soviet period.Certain stages in the transformation dynamics have been revealed. The relevance is determined by modernization breakthrough of the Soviet country that is little studied in this context that had allowed its peoples to fit into the global world on equal terms. Methods of comparative studies have contributed to the study of the process simultaneously on two levels, for multi-ethnic and mono-ethnic settlements, and diachronically during the Soviet period. The dynamics of different rates for different types of settlements have been demonstrated. The first Soviet decades were characterized by a lack of technological and ideological innovations. Since the mid-1930s, laity living in mono-ethnic Buryat villages with deep Buddhist traditions had practiced illegal religious support of burials (Sangaril). Based on traditional funeral rites surrogate ethno distinctive funeral customs were formed. During the Great Patriotic War, rites and customs were not followed. In the 1970–80s, there appeared the tradition of pilgrimage tourism to the graves of relatives killed during the war. The postwar weakening of the atheistic pressure and opening of two datsans in the1940s allowed families to arrange burials in accordance with the Buddhist canon. Visiting churches by Communists and Soviet officials was prohibited before Perestroika. In the mid-1960s, certain measures were taken to strengthen the Soviet way of life. The standard of civil (non-religious) funeral rites with some elements of the Soviet symbols were introduced. Civil Soviet funeral rites having propagandistic character were established in multi-ethnic villages. By the mid-1970s, various models of funeral rites were formed depending on age, sex and social status of the person. The format of commemorations changed, alcohol appeared in the menu. Active participation of women in the Soviet funeral and memorial services demonstrated their emancipation. In mono-ethnic villages, elements of traditional funeral rites were preserved. Socialist transformations affected all aspects of life of Buryats, including rituals of human life cycle. Our results may have practical value. The article opens up prospects for further objective study of the Soviet period on the basis of modern methodologies and methods.
Key words Buryats, the Soviet period, sedentarization, types of settlements, funeral rites, transformation, periodization
Article information
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Full articleStages of Transformation of the Funeral Rites of Rural Buryats in the Soviet Period