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Article name | Teachers of Synodic Educational Institutions in Russia at the beginnings of Scientific Mongolian Studies: A. A. Bobrovnikov (1822–1865) |
Authors | Polyanskayа O.N.Candidate of History, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 001:94(517.3) |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to the study of the Mongolian people in synodic educational institutions in Russia, which was influenced by oriental studies in universities; therefore, it had a considerable scientific importance. The article focuses on life and scientific activity of Aleksey Aleksandrovich Bobrovnikov – a scientist and a teacher in the context of formation of scientific Mongolian studies in Russia and analysis of historical works devoted to the scientist who was the author of authoritative work – \"Grammar of Mongolian – Kalmyk language\" (Kazan, 1849). The paper reflects correlation of two Russian centers in the first part of the XIX century – Irkutsk and Kazan, the activity of Kazan Ecclesiastical Academy and Irkutsk Seminary, where the studies of Mongolian people originated and developed in the future. These synodic educational institutions were of key importance as they trained experts in the Mongolian language and Buddhism. For the first time an interesting fact of interaction between A. A. Bobrovnikov and A. M. Orlov is stated in the article. A. M. Orlov was a missionary, a teacher of Irkutsk Ecclesiastical Seminary; the author of \"Mongol-Buryat Grammar\" (1878), which reflects likeness of their opinions about the variety of the spoken Mongolian language. The author of the article gives estimation of the orientalists’ study of Mongolian philology in synodic educational institutions and concludes that their works played an important role in studies of the Mongolian language because they had applied significance as well as scientific value. |
Key words | Mongolian studies in Russia, Kazan Ecclesiastical Academy, Irkutsk Seminary, A. I. and A. A. Bobrovnikovs, A. M. Orlov, the Mongolian language |
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Full article | Teachers of Synodic Educational Institutions in Russia at the beginnings of Scientific Mongolian Studies: A. A. Bobrovnikov (1822–1865) |