Article name On Some Historical and Religious-Legendary Personal Names used in Ashug Works RETRACTION
Authors Soltanov M..Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.512.162
Article type
Annotation Ashug works are not only the foundation of poetic thought, but it is a wise spiritual school, which holds invaluable aesthetic beauty and unique taste of the Azerbaijani people. Ashug works are characterized by richness and variety of speech style. Simplicity and poetic of vernacular is brighter expressed in Ashug works. In this poetry the words from the priceless treasures of the Azerbaijani language were chosen in very skillful and professional way. Using the finest unique emotional style, rich and diverse poetics full of figurative-expressive expressions was created. Onomastic units, study of their characteristics and features constitute one of the most important research areas in modern Azerbaijan linguistics. Onomastics units are proper names used in the language. Ashug works used onomastic units, which are an interesting part of speech; unique and amazing artistic verbal constructions, poetic verbal complexes, and sayings were created. The article provides the detailed information on some historical and religious-mythological personal names, used in Azerbaijan Ashug poetry and reveals the etymological root of these names.
Key words onomastics, anthroponym, etymology, onomastic units, personal names, etymologicalroot, source
Article information
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Full articleOn Some Historical and Religious-Legendary Personal Names used in Ashug Works RETRACTION