Article name Russian Patriotism and “Rusophobia” as Determinants of Political Culture (an Existential Aspect)
Authors Darenskiy V.Y.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.75 : 130.2
Article type
Annotation The problem of existential roots of patriotism and “rusophobia” in Russian culture is considered in this article. The paper gives analysis of philosophic and anthropologic dimension of the concepts of patriotism and “rusophobia”, which make it possible to discover hidden dimensions of Russian political culture and its historical determinations. The author’s research is based on the method of “existential analysis”. It has been accentuated that “rusophobia” captures the unflinching belief in a revolutionary necessity that grants the unleashed violent crushing of traditions with frighteningly good conscience. The author considers the problem of prejudices in contemporary studies of patriotism and “rusophobia”. Kinds of patriotism and “rusophobia” in modern Russian history are revealed and classified; influences of Post-modern social and cultural conditions over contemporary “rusophobia” are defined. The author defines four basic prejudices of totalitarianism interpretations, which are: 1) about Russian patriotism as a “nationalist” phenomenon; 2) about Russian patriotism as a “conservative“ phenomenon; 3) about “rusophobia” as an “intelligence” phenomenon; 4) about Russian patriotism as an “authoritarian“ phenomenon. The author proposes his own interpretation of Russian patriotism and “rusophobia” as existential phenomena in a context of cultural studies emphasizing that his conception is based on rethinking of universal human experience, which is necessarily linked with a source of human freedom.
Key words Russian, patriotism, “rusophobia”, political culture, existential analysis
Article information
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Full articleRussian Patriotism and “Rusophobia” as Determinants of Political Culture (an Existential Aspect)