Article name Avvan and Gayro by F. I. Baldauf – Transbaikalia First Romantic Poem: Modern Interpretation
Authors Baranova O.Y.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 882
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the poem Avvan and Gayro, the main monument of F. I. Baldauf’s literary activity. The Transbaikalia poet of the first half of the XIXth century was the first to introduce topos Transbaikalia, unfamiliar before, with its local color, customs, traditions, nature into the Russian literary text. His poem not only reflects romantic traditions of that time, uses romantic symbols and emblems, but also brings up timeless questions of love, honor, fidelity, belief, and friendship. The author of this article, based on the poem interpretations, which have already been developed in the domestic research literature, for the first time focuses attention on names of the main characters, local legends included in the text of the poem, their role in the main conflict disclosure. The author offers a new reading of the poem taking into account the significance of the main characters’ names, some national vocabulary, pays attention to the poem’s by-plot role. This article doesn’t exhaust potentialities of the first Transbaikalia romantic poem interpretation. The method of interpretative analysis allows the author to consider F.Baldauf’s work in different contexts: romantic, regional, national literary traditions. All the research is directed to reinforce the idea, more than once expressed in domestic criticism, that the first Transbaikalia poet’s talent is outstanding.
Key words romantic poem, foreign borrowings, generating, interpretation, transposition, conflict
Article information
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Full articleAvvan and Gayro by F. I. Baldauf – Transbaikalia First Romantic Poem: Modern Interpretation