Article name Poetics of Russian Traditionalism of the XXth Century and its Conceptualization in V. V. Kozhinov’s Heredity RETRACTION
Authors Darenskiy V.Y.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 82–1
Article type
Annotation The author considers the problem of essential specifics of Russian art traditionalism in the XXth century. V. V. Kozhinov’s concept of “poetical being” is considered as a “key” to this problem, therefore the phenomenon of traditionalistic poetic is interpreting here as a dominance of common over individual in art experience. Two levels in structure of poetical form is considered here: the level of individual experiment and the level of classical artistic model. Poetical avant-garde in V. V. Kozhinov’s conception was considered in a certain sense as a transitional stage towards renaissance of classical poetics, as an aesthetic imitation of chaos. The author considers the problem of existential and anthropologic ideas of V. V. Kozhinov’s poetical studies. Author’s interpretation of these ideas is based on the analysis of such sources as his critical sketches and scientific researches. The paper discusses various V. V. Kozhinov’s conceptions such as 1) essence of traditionalistic poetic and its historical types; 2) moving forces of poetical creativity; 3) cultural meaning of renaissance of classical poetics; 4) specificity of poetry as a type of creativity; 5) diagnosis and prognosis of poetical and cultural processes in the XXth century. The article also examines thematic and methodological links between these conceptions. The author proposes his own interpretation of V. V. Kozhinov’s poetical studies, emphasizing that his ideas are based on rethinking of Russian poetical experience, which is necessarily linked with specificity of Russian culture and mentality. For instance, poetical consciousness is interpreted by V. V. Kozhinov as a problematical essence, which is determined by different types of individual “ways”. The article focuses attention on analysis of individual specifics of creativity and V. V. Kozhinov’s interpretation of such poets as F. Tyutchev, N. Rubtsov, Yu. Kuznetsov, V. Kazantsev, N. Tryapkin, St. Kunyaev. The R. Guardini’s concept of “the End of the New Time” in its metaphysical sense has been considered here as a key to understanding of Russian traditionalistic poetry worldview style, which was defined by V. V. Kozhinov as “the end of individualism”.
Key words poetics, Russian, traditionalism, V. V. Kozhinov, style, creativity, worldview,being, the avant-garde, experience
Article information
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Full articlePoetics of Russian Traditionalism of the XXth Century and its Conceptualization in V. V. Kozhinov’s Heredity RETRACTION