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Article name | Intonation Feature of Terminality in the Vocal Form of a Language (The Case of Russian and German Children’s Songs) |
Authors | Petrochenko E.V.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor petrocenko@mail.ruBlinova M.A.Graduate Student |
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UDK | 811.112.2’34 |
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Annotation | The article considers the issue of studying vocal music intonation features. There is still little linguistic research into correlation between melodic structure in music and intonation system of a language. This is an interdisciplinary issue, involving the theory of language, intonation studies and the theory of music. The article provides argumentation for the term “vocal form of a language” and presents analysis of intonation feature of terminality in children’s songs (in Russian and German). The paper follows phonological approach to intonation studies, which means defining distinctive and integral relevant features of tone units. These units are referred to as intonemes, in the language system and measure patterns in the system of musical modes. The case study proved that the terminality features expressed in the vocal forms of the two languages do not fully correlate phonologically. The difference concerns localization of the intonation terminality feature: in case of the Russian language, the maximal pitch occurs in the final cadence with the IVth or IIIrd modal degree. In German, “elliptic” variation of terminality feature has been found in the middle vocal cadences; the accented syllable pitch is involved in the zone of approximate modal stability on the Vth or IIIrd degree and thus takes part in intonation terminality feature realization. The structural analysis of vocal music presented in this article provides evidence for intonological level in the vocal form of language. |
Key words | intonology, vocal form of a language, intonation units, distinctive feature, phonological approach to intonation studies, phonetic analysis |
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Full article | Intonation Feature of Terminality in the Vocal Form of a Language (The Case of Russian and German Children’s Songs) |