Article name Somatic Metaphors of the Moon in Poetic Works of Modern Russian Authors
Authors Pimenova M.V.Doctor of Philology, Professor, Rector
Balashova N.P.Candidate of Philology
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Annotation This article deals with the description of the vital, perceptual and bodily metaphors included into the somatic code of Russian linguistic culture. Signs underlying the creation of such metaphors are explained from the mythology and symbolism perspective. Modern poetic works are used as an illustrative material. One of the sources for language material is the Russian National Corpus ( The object of research is the concept of moon. This celestial phenomenon has been rarely analyzed in modern linguistic literature. Modern poets creating individual metaphors use existing resources of the language. Vital code of linguoculture lets the poets represent the moon as a living being that has all signs of life: birth, sleep, various ways of movement, food, voice, illness, etc. The authors describe the moon through the perceptive code of linguoculture based on features of different ways of perceiving: vision, hearing, touch. Perceptual metaphors serve as a tool for the expression of the interaction of the moon with the earthly world. Bodily metaphors are formed by the poets by means of different body parts: a face, hands and feet, a back. All these features allow us to reconstruct the appearance of the moon in the modern Russian language picture of the world.
Key words linguistic culture, metaphor, concept, symbol, language picture of the world
Article information
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