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Article name | Corpus Research of French Absolute Participial Constructions |
Authors | Bogoyavlenskaya Y.V.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 811.133.1’367.625.43 |
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Annotation | The article reviews Russian and foreign scientific literature concerning the problem of absolute participial constructions. The syntax and semantic features of French absolute participial construction as well as methods of graphic representation of the construction are studied. The authors improve the terminology base: they substantiate the use of the term “absolute participial construction” in this study. The types of this construction built on the present and past participle are described. The reason to include an archaic type of the construction in the research corpus is given. The authors note that the constructions are widely used not only with a noun, but they are also used with a pronoun as a subject. Semantics of the relations between the construction and the main clause as well as semantics of the relations, which link their subjects were analyzed. The variants of graphic representation of the absolute participial construction have been found and described. The authors concluded that the use of nonconventional punctuation marks to punctuate the absolute participial construction, such as em dash, ellipsis, periods (parceling), and colon, result from the speaker’s communication attitude. Also, there is a description of some occasional uses of absolute participial constructions and time markers contained therein. To verify the results of the previous research and accurately describe the results of this research in terms of statistics, the method of corpus analysis has been applied. |
Key words | participle, absolute participial construction, syntax, semantics, secondary predication, author’s punctuation, parceling, corpus linguistics |
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Full article | Corpus Research of French Absolute Participial Constructions |