Article name Andersen’s Tales and Bulgarian Literary Criticism
Authors Terzieva M.T.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 82-343.4
Article type
Annotation Taking a history of literature perspective, the paper examines the role of Andersen’s fairy tales as a criterion of artistic skills and high aesthetic significance of messages in the field of children’s and young adults’ literature in Bulgaria. Bulgarian literary criticism of the 20th century represented by Slavcho Paskalev, Kiril Kristev, Atanas Dalchev, Zdravko Petrov, Efrem Karanfilov, Vasil Aleksandrov, Simeon Hadzhikosev, Mladen Enchev, Margarita Slavova, etc. benchmarked all achievements in children’s and young adults’ literature on a national and international scale against the Danish writer’s tales. Andersen’s work has been analyzed using a variety of approaches: literary and historical, biographical, poetological and psychoanalytical. The Danish writer boasted the talent of a painter and, through his fairy tale characters, created a gallery of unforgettable human personalities. Critics have studied the poetics of his tales giving special attention to the complex mentality of his characters or taken interest in the author’s personality and worldviews. Bulgarian literary criticism has made a valuable contribution to the Bulgarian Anderseniad with its research work, profound analysis of the motifs, themes and ideas of Andersen’s fairy tales and the study of his influence on the national children’s and young adults’ literature.
Key words Bulgarian literary criticism, Andersen’s tales, children’s literature, analysis, Bulgarian Anderseniad
Article information
References 1. Paskalev Sl. Nasha detskaya khudozhestvennaya literatura // Russkaya mysl’. 1906. Kn.5. 2. Terzieva M. Skazochnik Andersen v Bolgarii: avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.19. Blagoevgrad, 1990. 18 s. 3. Terzieva M. Skazki Andersena i ikh esteticheskii potentsial v doshkol’nom vozraste. Burgas, 2010. 112 s. 4. Terzieva M. Perevodchiki i perevody skazok Andersena v Bolgarii (1881–1918) – problemy perevodcheskoi retseptsii // Sovremennye teorii obucheniya inostrannym yazykam i kul’turam i kriterii ikh validnosti: XV Lempertovskie chteniya. Pyatigorsk, 2013. S. 232–236.
Full articleAndersen’s Tales and Bulgarian Literary Criticism